Drink & Draw. The physique session II

The Physique Session (Male and female seminude dancer models)
This session will be held at Kunstihoone, the beating heart of Estonia’s contemporary art scene. At 17:30 in the middle of this beating heart, we will be serving some refreshing drinks and put our two gorgeous dancers who will pose semi-nude in various acrobatic dance poses together, on stage. A definite feast for the eyes!
Session is 2 hours, (10×1, 5×10 and 4×15 min poses)
Entrance to the drawing session & exposition is 13,00 (2 drinks included). Tickets can be bought at the entrance.
We advise you to bring your own art gear. But in case you forget we have the ever-so-famous DnD Sketchbooks for sale (5,-).
25 Seats available, if you want to be sure of a seat reservation ask one by writing a request on the event wall. First come, first served.
Drink and draw responsibly!
Art Detail: B/W photography by Colin Solomon Photography ( http://colinsolomonphotography.co.uk/about-us )