Jubilee Spring 2018

The 18th spring exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association will bring lots of different generations and creative platforms to the Tallinn Art Hall, the Art Hall Gallery and Tallinn City Gallery between May 19th and June 17th of 2018. The 18th spring exhibition is dedicated to Estonia’s centenary and the 75th anniversary of Estonian Artists’ Association.
The exhibition is artist-centred and comprises of many autonomous units, with every artist having a clearly discernible exhibition space. Jubilee Spring 2018 is also a sales exhibition, and its format, which is similar to an art fair, is intended to enliven the involvement of the public, encourage people to provide assessments and make choices, and popularise art collecting.
A panel of judges comprised of Vano Allsalu, Elin Kard, Tiit Pruuli, Peeter Talvistu, Tamara Luuk and exhibition designer Kaarel Eelma chose the following 107 artists from the 237 who applied to participate:
Aapo Pukk, Aarne Mesikäpp, Ado Lill, Aleksandr Valetto, Andres Koort, Angela Maasalu, Anna Mari Liivrand, Anne Parmasto, Ashot Jegikjan, August Künnapu, Benjamin Vasserman, Britta Benno, Carl Robert Kagge, Danel Kahar, Einar Vene, Eleriin Ello, Enn Põldroos, Erki Kasemets, Eve Kask, Evi Gailit, Evi Tihemets, Grisli Soppe-Kahar, Heikki Leis, Helgi Maret Olvet, Henri Hütt, Herkki Erich Merila, Illimar Paul, Jaan Elken, Jane Remm, Jarõna Ilo, Johannes Luik, Juss Piho, Jüri Arrak, Jüri Kask, Kadri Toom, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Katrin Pere, Keiu Koppel, Kristi Kongi, Kristiina Laurits, Laivi, Lauri, Laurentsius, Leelo-Mai Aunbaum, Lembit Sarapuu, Leonhard Lapin, Liisa Kruusmägi, Lilian Mosolainen, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Lola Liivat, Ludmilla Siim-Kaasinen, Tanja Muravskaja, Maarit Murka, Maarja Nõmmik, Maigi Magnus, Mall Nukke, Mall Paris, Manfred Dubov, Mare Vint, Margus Tõnnov, Mari Roosvalt, Maria Sidljarevitš, Maria-Kristiina Ulas, Marje Üksine, Marju Bormeister, Marko Mäetamm, Mart Vainre, Matti Pärk, Mihkel Maripuu, Mirja Mari Smidt, Naima Neidre, Peeter Laurits, Per William Petersen, PUSA, Piret Kullerkupp, Rait Prääts, Raoul Kurvitz, Rein Mägar, Rene Kari, Reti Saks, Robin Nõgisto, Siim-Tanel Annus, Siiri Jüris, Silvi Lepparu, Silvi Liiva, Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Solveig Lill, Stanislav Netšvolodov, Sven Saag, Tanja Muravskaja, Tarmo Roosimölder, Tarrvi Laamann, Tauno Kangro, Terje Ojaver, Tiit Jaanson, Tiit Pääsuke, Tiiu Pallo-Vaik, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Toomas Altnurme, Toomas Kuusing, Toomas Rein, Toomas Vint, Ulvi Haagensen, Uno Roosvalt, Valeri Vinogradov, Vello Vinn, Vilen Künnapu, Vjatšeslav Semerikov.
For the jubilee year, Estonian art collectors and sponsors (Riivo Anton, Aivar Berzin, Jaan Manitski, Tiit Pruuli and Rain Tamm) have put up a prize of €5,000 to be awarded to the public’s favourite work. Votes can be cast until 10 June 2018 in the exhibition halls, as well as online at NOAR. The prize winner will be announced on 12 June 2018, and the award will be given out under the auspices of the Organising Committee of Estonia 100 at the Tallinn Art Hall.