Rainbow over Lasnamäe

On Thursday, 27 April at 6 pm, you are kindly invited to participate in the audience programme Rainbow over Lasnamäe accompanying the exhibition Immerse! in Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion.
The programme Rainbow over Lasnamäe starts with a guided tour at the exhibition, followed by a panel discussion with representatives of Estonian LGBTQ+ community organisations. The discussion is inspired by the work of the Latvian artist Kristaps Ancāns, Polar Rainbow, an augmented reality sculpture viewable via a free app that uses the rainbow as a symbol of joy, inspiration and the fight for justice to amplify the voices of queer communities and spread their stories.
The purpose of the panel discussion is to discuss the safety of queer communities both in the digital space and in the local environment. More broadly, we wish to focus on the issue of marriage equality and the treatment of transgender people in Estonia and find pain points or patterns that prevent community growth, security and personal well-being. Creating a safe space is very important, and it is often difficult to find the tools or knowledge to design it in a way that preserves the collective energy.
The panel discussion brings together representatives of organisations with expert knowledge who share their experiences, knowledge, pains and joys. We would like the audience to leave the event with new knowledge about building communities and the tools to protect themselves from hate speech in both public and digital spaces.
Participants of the panel discussion are Mel Zelmin (Estonian Trans Alliance), Manny de Guerre (Q-Space), Jana Levitina (Feministeerium) and Kaisa Linn (Tartu LGBT+). The discussion is moderated by Hanna Kannelmäe.
18:00 guided tour at the exhibition
18:30 opening words by Kristaps Ancāns and Corina L. Apostol
18:45 performances (Roven Jõekäär and Same Me)
19:00 panel discussion “How to create a safe queer community in the local and digital space?”
20:15 Q&A with the audience
20:30 end of the programme
18:00 guided tour at the exhibition
18:30 opening words by Kristaps Ancāns and Corina L. Apostol
18:45 performances (Roven Jõekäär and Same Me)
19:00 panel discussion “How to create a safe queer community in the local and digital space?”
20:15 Q&A with the audience
20:30 end of the programme
The event is free and held in English.
By participating in the audience programme of Tallinn Art Hall, you agree to follow the rules of the safe space. We do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism or any other behaviour that makes other participants uncomfortable.
The exhibition Immerse! is realised within the framework of Beyond Matter, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.