Spring Exhibition 2021: From Head to Toe
Curator: Siim Preiman

Participating artists: Kelli Gedvil, Cloe Jancis, Brit Kikas, Solveig Lill, Hanna Piksarv, Mari Volens.
The exhibition brings together six works of art from last year dealing with the experience of the human body in the broadest sense. Our planet has been described as a spaceship on which humankind is flying through space, so we could think of our bodies as vessels of flesh in which our consciousness is destined to move on its path. Although we can think of bodies as useful machines, they differ from other vehicles precisely in that we cannot choose them by colour, body type or wheel power. They are precisely as slender, stocky, rosy or angular as they are, no more and no less. This premise feels wonderful and devastating at the same time, and coping with it can be playfully easy for some and cause endless anxiety for others.
Solveig Lill and Hanna Piksarv deal with the inner universe of the body: the former exploring the fantastical-molecular sphere, the latter, on the other hand, working with the realm of emotions. Mari Volens juxtaposes the natural body with artificial forms. Kelli Gedvil and Cloe Jancis reflect on the effects of beauty ideals on virtual and physical bodies, and Brit Kikas explores the boundaries of obscenity and sincerity.
The long-awaited Spring Exhibition 2021 of the Estonian Artists’ Association is returning to its roots: approached from different angles, artworks completed in 2020/2021 will be exhibited at three exhibition venues of Tallinn Art Hall. The main exhibition of works selected by the jury will be displayed at Tallinn Art Hall, while two curated satellite exhibitions will be on view nearby at Tallinn City Gallery and the Art Hall Gallery.